Startups often make a mistake when they launch a new product or service and miss the opportunity to get publicity.
They think the way their product works is the news. But the truth is how something works isn’t really news — their real news is way bigger and more important than that. It’s how you make people’s lives better, easier, simpler, more peaceful, practical, profitable. It’s not the details of the product that you’ve been working to get right, but the impact that you make. That’s what will get you attention in the press, and get you the third party validation that all good public relations delivers.
The piece of your story is often overlooked because you’ve been focused on getting the details just right– that should be newsworthy, right? But your audience — the media and stakeholders — need the dots connected for them. So let them know in the plainest way possible: Why do you matter? Why should they care?
When you’re ready to announce your news about your shiny new thing and get public relations for your start up company, you need to figure this out and say it. Clearly.
Answer these questions:
Get the Facts: What facts do I have that make my argument compelling? Dig into why you decided to develop your idea in the first place. What did your research confirm was the problem? Can you share a quote or a frustration?
Share a Story: Do I have a personal story or an anecdote – about me or my customers– that will bring it to life? Show your idea “in the wild”, how do your people benefit?
Add a Statistic: Are there statistics to share? Put your solution in a broad industry context, statistics can help.
Get a Testimonial: Can I use outside voices to validate my claims? Who are your cheerleaders right now? Can you quote them or lean on them to provide quotes to the media?
Then you’ll have a story worth covering.
Do you start your story with “make me care? Yes or No?