Secret PR. How to turn your brand into the best-kept secret.
To get to influencers our first instinct is to make our brands stand out and be cool. Instead why not make your brand their best-kept secret?
Underground Marketing
I am enthralled by the trend of finding abandoned, unloved and seemingly hopeless spaces and turning them into something remarkable.
The Pitch: How to Make Your Agency Look Great
At the end of the pitch, it’s not necessarily the idea that will win you the business. It’s your potential as a business partner. Most of all, a brand wants to buy your story about them.
Work At Home vs. Stay At Home Moms?
Over the past month, I've had an opportunity to dive back into the conversation about the "so-called" tug between being a working mom and one that stays at home.
Client in the News: Cause Marketing Best Practices
Sherry Orel, CEO of Brand Connections, explains how companies should be taking social media, mobile and digital consumer behavior into consideration in their cause-marketing strategies.
Jolly Green Giant's Veggies Pledge: Fail?
I’m not quibbling with an augmented reality Jolly Green Giant “Ho-Ho-Ho’ing” either. That sounds pretty cool in a goofy, kitschy, iconic brand kind of way. And what could be wrong with pledging to eat one more vegetable a day? (Though why “one more,” when it’s likely that many kids eat no vegetables at all?)